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Mojo Desert #10: Chocoplex

Our final episode before talking to the finalists of Mojo Desert, Chocoplex takes us through his experience in the final days of the season and what it was like to unfortunately be the first Alliance player removed from the game outside of Tribal Council.

Mojo Desert #9: Angelcake

A reality show buff gets to try his hand at Alliance and just hopes to make it farther than MisterDave. Today, I talk to Angelcake about surviving the first Alliance rock draw and how easily paranoia sets in.

Mojo Desert #7: La Forza

Our journey continues as we talk to the first (and as of this posting, only) player to make it to the merge without ever attending a Tribal Council! Though, there’s no pop starlet talk this time.

Mojo Desert #6: Lurker

The second member of the jury joins me to talk about his journey through the desert. And there’s more discussion over how “rated” Ariana Grande is.

Mojo Desert #5: Nux

Today’s episode is with the first member of the Mojo Desert jury! Nux and I take a few tangents on our way to sussing out the most underrated modern pop singer, because that’s what we’re here to do, after all.

Mojo Desert #2: OnTheLastCastle

The trip through Mojo Desert continues with Castle, who attended every tribal council he could have and regrets not being more invested in the game.