Scavenger Hunt 20: April Scavenger Hunt Review

I swear I had it recorded in time for yesterday. And then… forgot to post it.

General #121: April Scavenger Hunt Preview

While in quarantine, it seems like as good of a time as any to do another Scavenger Hunt!

Scavenger Hunt #20: April 2019 Review

Scavenger Hunt superlatives as well as the top 10 of the 30 films I saw during this hunt! If you haven’t participated in a letterboxd Scavenger Hunt, you should give it a try!

Scavenger Hunt #19: April Scavenger Hunt Preview

SCAVENGER HUNTS ARE BACK, BABY! And I’m in charge of this one.

And here’s the list of Gaps (films I haven’t seen from all the other scavenger hunt lists):

Scavenger Hunt #18: Classic Film Challenge 2018

I’m taking up another Letterboxd challenge! 30 new classic Hollywood films to see! Find my personal list here:

The official challenge link:

Scavenger Hunt #17: December Review

Got this one out on time! Had a fun month watching December’s films. I will be taking at least January off to give myself the time to try and round out as many 2017 films as I can in preparation for the 2017 CoFAs.

Scavenger Hunt #16: December Preview

Scavenger Hunt Preview? A full week into the month? I know, I know. Truth be told, I’ve seen more than half the films on the hunt already. (Your guess if I recorded this before watching any of them.) But it’s here! And the Review episode will be out before the end of the month, I guarantee it.

Scavenger Hunt #15: July Preview

I have a wonderful surprise for everyone in the form of a second voice on today’s episode! Please join me in welcoming my very first guest to the podcast in a close friend of mine who has agreed to go on this month’s hunt with me.

Scavenger Hunt #14: May Review

It’s finally here! Complete with Miran’s prediction results, the superlatives, and the top 10.

Scavenger Hunt #13: May Preview

Guys, I’ve been pronouncing the Huston name wrong this whole time. You deserve better and I will be better. =)

Scavenger Hunt #12: April Review

A big episode! The superlatives at the top of the episode, a brief analysis of Miran’s predictions in the middle,and the top ten as a closer. Check out the Superlatives page to see how this month stacks up!

Scavenger Hunt #11: April Preview

A new month and another round of film tasks, curtesy of Letterboxd.

Jayce Fryman’s Master List:

My list: